one_time_pass_ecto v1.1.1 OneTimePassEcto View Source

Module to handle one-time passwords, usually for use in two factor authentication.

One-time password options

There are the following options for the one-time passwords:

  • HMAC-based one-time passwords

    • :token_length - the length of the one-time password

      • the default is 6
    • :last - the count when the one-time password was last used

      • this count needs to be stored server-side
    • :window - the number of future attempts allowed

      • the default is 3
  • Time-based one-time passwords

    • :token_length - the length of the one-time password

      • the default is 6
    • :interval_length - the length of each timed interval

      • the default is 30 (seconds)
    • :window - the number of attempts, before and after the current one, allowed

      • the default is 1 (1 interval before and 1 interval after)
  • Both HOTP and TOTP

    • :otp_secret - name of the Ecto field holding the secret (default :otp_secret)
    • :otp_last - name of the Ecto field holding the last value (default :otp_last)

See the documentation for the OneTimePassEcto.Base module for more details about generating and verifying one-time passwords.

Implementation details

The following notes provide details about how this module implements the verification of one-time passwords.

It is important not to allow the one-time password to be reused within the timeframe that it is valid.

For TOTPs, one method of preventing reuse is to compare the output of check_totp (the last value) with the previous output. The output should be greater than the previous last value.

In the case of HOTPs, it is important that the database is locked from the time the last value is checked until the last value is updated.

Link to this section Summary


Check the one-time password, and return {:ok, user} if the one-time password is correct or {:error, message} if there is an error

Link to this section Functions

Link to this function

verify(params, repo, user_schema, opts \\ []) View Source

Check the one-time password, and return {:ok, user} if the one-time password is correct or {:error, message} if there is an error.

After this function has been called, you need to either add the user to the session, by running put_session(conn, :user_id, id), or send an API token to the user.

See the One-time password options in this module's documentation for available options to be used as the second argument to this function.