Oneflow v0.2.0 Oneflow.Helpers

This module contains generic useful functions.

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Prepends given prefix to the given string

Removes any key value pair with a nil value in Enum. Given the map %{test: nil, key: 1} it should return a map with jsut key

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Link to this function prepend(string, prefix, atom)
prepend(String.t(), String.t(), atom()) :: String.t()

Prepends given prefix to the given string.


iex> Oneflow.Helpers.prepend(“/accounts”, “/api”, :url) “/api/accounts”

iex> Oneflow.Helpers.prepend(“secret”, “token:”, :string) “token:secret”

Link to this function remove_nil_values(struct)
remove_nil_values(Map.t()) :: Enum.t()

Removes any key value pair with a nil value in Enum. Given the map %{test: nil, key: 1} it should return a map with jsut key.

Returns %{key: 1}.


iex> item = %Oneflow.Models.Item{sourceItemId: “test”, sku: “sku”} iex> Oneflow.Helpers.remove_nil_values(item) %{sku: “sku”, sourceItemId: “test”}

iex> Oneflow.Helpers.remove_nil_values(%{test: nil, key: 1}) %{key: 1}

iex> Oneflow.Helpers.remove_nil_values([test: nil, key: 1]) [key: 1]