Oneflow v0.2.0 Oneflow.Http.Authorization

This is the the module that allows generating the value for the x-oneflow-authorization header.

Link to this section Summary


Forms an string with http method, empty space, then path without query string, then another empty space and then the timestamp

Generates authentication header value given the request %Request{ method: :get, url: "/url"}. and the timestamp 1498601557

Hashes the given string given to sign using the config secret as key

Gets the url path and preppeds /api to it

Link to this section Functions

Link to this function generate_string_to_sign(url_path, req, timestamp)
generate_string_to_sign(String.t(), Oneflow.Http.Request.t(), integer()) ::

Forms an string with http method, empty space, then path without query string, then another empty space and then the timestamp.

Link to this function header_value(req, timestamp)
header_value(Oneflow.Http.Request.t(), integer()) :: String.t()

Generates authentication header value given the request %Request{ method: :get, url: "/url"}. and the timestamp 1498601557.

Returns "token:6f88d384bd48daed9bf03efad5d5b5bdf89f3063".

If the url contains a query string but the path is the same, the value must be the same.


iex> request = %Oneflow.Http.Request{ method: :get, path: “/url”} iex> Oneflow.Http.Authorization.header_value(request, 498601557) “token:6f88d384bd48daed9bf03efad5d5b5bdf89f3063”

iex> request = %Oneflow.Http.Request{ method: :get, path: “/url?foo=bar”} iex> Oneflow.Http.Authorization.header_value(request, 498601557) “token:6f88d384bd48daed9bf03efad5d5b5bdf89f3063”

Link to this function hmac(string_to_sign)
hmac(String.t()) :: String.t()

Hashes the given string given to sign using the config secret as key.

Gets the url path and preppeds /api to it.