onnxs v0.2.0 Onnx.ModelProto

ModelProto is a top-level file/container format for bundling a ML model. The semantics of the model are described by the GraphProto that represents a parameterized computation graph against a set of named operators that are defined independently from the graph.

Link to this section Summary

Link to this section Types

Link to this type t()
t() :: %Onnx.ModelProto{
  doc_string: String.t(),
  domain: String.t(),
  graph: Onnx.GraphProto.t(),
  ir_version: integer(),
  metadata_props: [Onnx.StringStringEntryProto.t()],
  model_version: integer(),
  opset_import: [Onnx.OperatorSetIdProto.t()],
  producer_name: String.t(),
  producer_version: String.t()

Link to this section Functions

Link to this function new(attrs \\ %{})