View Source OpenApiSpex.Header (open_api_spex v3.18.1)
Defines the OpenApiSpex.Header.t
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@type t() :: %OpenApiSpex.Header{ allowEmptyValue: boolean() | nil, deprecated: boolean() | nil, description: String.t() | nil, example: any(), examples: %{ required(String.t()) => OpenApiSpex.Example.t() | OpenApiSpex.Reference.t() } | nil, explode: boolean() | nil, extensions: %{required(String.t()) => any()} | nil, required: boolean() | nil, schema: OpenApiSpex.Schema.t() | OpenApiSpex.Reference.t() | nil, style: :simple }
The Header Object follows the structure of the Parameter Object with the following changes:
- name MUST NOT be specified, it is given in the corresponding headers map.
- in MUST NOT be specified, it is implicitly in header.
- All traits that are affected by the location MUST be applicable to a location of header (for example, style).