View Source OpenApiSpex.Cast (open_api_spex v3.18.3)
Cast and validate a value against an OpenApiSpex schema
Link to this section Summary
Cast and validate a value against the given schema.
Link to this section Types
@type cast_opt() :: {:apply_defaults, boolean()}
@type read_write_scope() :: nil | :read | :write
@type schema_or_reference() :: OpenApiSpex.Schema.t() | OpenApiSpex.Reference.t()
@type t() :: %OpenApiSpex.Cast{ errors: [OpenApiSpex.Cast.Error.t()], index: integer(), key: atom() | nil, opts: [cast_opt()], path: [atom() | String.t() | integer()], read_write_scope: read_write_scope(), schema: schema_or_reference() | nil, schemas: map(), value: term() }
Link to this section Functions
@spec cast(t()) :: {:ok, term()} | {:error, [OpenApiSpex.Cast.Error.t()]}
@spec cast(schema_or_reference() | nil, term(), map(), [cast_opt()]) :: {:ok, term()} | {:error, [OpenApiSpex.Cast.Error.t()]}
Cast and validate a value against the given schema.
Recognizes all the types defined in Open API (itself a superset of JSON Schema).
JSON Schema types:
Open API primitive types:
For an :object
schema type, the cast operation returns a map with atom keys.
iex> alias OpenApiSpex.{Cast, Schema}
iex> schema = %Schema{type: :string}
iex> Cast.cast(schema, "a string")
{:ok, "a string"}
iex> Cast.cast(schema, 1..100)
reason: :invalid_type,
type: :string,
value: 1..100
iex> schema = %Schema{
...> type: :object,
...> properties: %{
...> name: nil
...> },
...> additionalProperties: false
...> }
iex> Cast.cast(schema, %{"name" => "spex"})
{:ok, %{name: "spex"}}
iex> Cast.cast(schema, %{"bad" => "spex"})
name: "bad",
path: ["bad"],
reason: :unexpected_field,
value: %{"bad" => "spex"}