View Source OpenApiSpex.PathItem (open_api_spex v3.21.0)
Defines the OpenApiSpex.PathItem.t
Represents a route from in a Plug/Phoenix application.
Eg from the generated __routes__
function in a Phoenix.Router module.
Builds a PathItem struct from a list of routes that share a path.
@type route() :: %{optional(:path) => String.t(), verb: atom(), plug: atom(), opts: any()} | %{ optional(:path) => String.t(), verb: atom(), plug: atom(), plug_opts: any() }
Represents a route from in a Plug/Phoenix application.
Eg from the generated __routes__
function in a Phoenix.Router module.
@type t() :: %OpenApiSpex.PathItem{ "$ref": String.t() | nil, delete: OpenApiSpex.Operation.t() | nil, description: String.t() | nil, extensions: %{required(String.t()) => any()} | nil, get: OpenApiSpex.Operation.t() | nil, head: OpenApiSpex.Operation.t() | nil, options: OpenApiSpex.Operation.t() | nil, parameters: [OpenApiSpex.Parameter.t() | OpenApiSpex.Reference.t()] | nil, patch: OpenApiSpex.Operation.t() | nil, post: OpenApiSpex.Operation.t() | nil, put: OpenApiSpex.Operation.t() | nil, servers: [OpenApiSpex.Server.t()] | nil, summary: String.t() | nil, trace: OpenApiSpex.Operation.t() | nil }
Describes the operations available on a single path. A Path Item MAY be empty, due to ACL constraints. The path itself is still exposed to the documentation viewer but they will not know which operations and parameters are available.
Builds a PathItem struct from a list of routes that share a path.