View Source OpenRtbEcto.V2.BidRequest.Device (OpenRtbEcto v0.6.5)

This object provides information pertaining to the device through which the user is interacting. Device information includes its hardware, platform, location, and carrier data. The device can refer to a mobile handset, a desktop computer, set top box, or other digital device.



@type t() :: %OpenRtbEcto.V2.BidRequest.Device{
  carrier: term(),
  connectiontype: term(),
  devicetype: term(),
  didmd5: term(),
  didsha1: term(),
  dnt: term(),
  dpidmd5: term(),
  dpidsha1: term(),
  ext: term(),
  flashver: term(),
  geo: term(),
  geofetch: term(),
  h: term(),
  hwv: term(),
  ifa: term(),
  ip: term(),
  ipv6: term(),
  js: term(),
  langb: term(),
  language: term(),
  lmt: term(),
  macmd5: term(),
  macsha1: term(),
  make: term(),
  mccmnc: term(),
  model: term(),
  os: term(),
  osv: term(),
  ppi: term(),
  pxratio: term(),
  sua: term(),
  ua: term(),
  w: term()


Link to this function

changeset(device, attrs \\ %{})

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