Opencensus.Span (opencensus_elixir v0.5.0)
Elixir convenience translation of :opencensus.span
Most likely to be of use while writing unit tests, or packages that deal with spans. Less likely to be of use while writing application code.
Link to this section Summary
Get a span struct given a record.
Load a span from ETS. Only works until it has been sent.
Link to this section Functions
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@spec from(:opencensus.span()) :: %Opencensus.Span{ attributes: term(), child_span_count: term(), end_time: term(), kind: term(), links: term(), name: term(), parent_span_id: term(), same_process_as_parent_span: term(), span_id: term(), stack_trace: term(), start_time: term(), status: term(), time_events: term(), trace_id: term(), trace_options: term(), tracestate: term() }
Get a span struct given a record.
Link to this function
@spec load(:opencensus.span_ctx() | integer() | :undefined) :: %Opencensus.Span{ attributes: term(), child_span_count: term(), end_time: term(), kind: term(), links: term(), name: term(), parent_span_id: term(), same_process_as_parent_span: term(), span_id: term(), stack_trace: term(), start_time: term(), status: term(), time_events: term(), trace_id: term(), trace_options: term(), tracestate: term() } | nil
Load a span from ETS. Only works until it has been sent.