Opencensus.TestSupport.SpanCaptureReporter (opencensus_elixir v0.5.0)
An :opencensus.reporter
to capture spans for tests.
can't unregister reporters, but :telemetry
can detach handlers, so we configure
to send spans to use our reporter, in mix.exs
if Mix.env() == :test do
config :opencensus,
send_interval_ms: 100,
reporters: [{Opencensus.TestSupport.SpanCaptureReporter, []}]
It'll call :telemetry.execute/3
whenever spans are reported. If you've called attach/0
the handler will convert the spans to structs with Span.from/1
and deliver them to your
process inbox. To collect them, call collect/0
. When you're finished, call detach/0
defmodule NyApp.SpanCaptureTest do
use ExUnit.Case, async: false
alias Opencensus.TestSupport.SpanCaptureReporter
setup do
on_exit(make_ref(), &SpanCaptureReporter.detach/0)
test "can gather spans" do
:ocp.with_child_span("our span name")
[span] = SpanCaptureReporter.collect()
assert == "our span name"
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Attach the reporter to deliver spans to your process inbox.
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@spec collect() :: [ %Opencensus.Span{ attributes: term(), child_span_count: term(), end_time: term(), kind: term(), links: term(), name: term(), parent_span_id: term(), same_process_as_parent_span: term(), span_id: term(), stack_trace: term(), start_time: term(), status: term(), time_events: term(), trace_id: term(), trace_options: term(), tracestate: term() } ]
Collect spans from your process inbox.
If still attached, triggers span delivery before collection.
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Detach the reporter to stop delivering spans to your process inbox.
If still attached, triggers span delivery before detaching.