Openmaize v3.0.1 Openmaize.Log

Logging functions for Openmaize.


Openmaize uses logfmt to provide a standard logging format.

15:31:08.575 [warn] path=/session/create message=invalid password

  • path - the request path
  • user - the user identifier (one of email, username, nil)
  • message - error / info message
  • meta - additional metadata that does not fit into any of the other categories



Returns the id of the currently logged-in user, if present

Returns the log message



Returns the id of the currently logged-in user, if present.

log(level, log_level, path, arg4)

Returns the log message.

The level at which logging starts can be configured by changing the log_level value in the config file.

The default log_level is :info, but if you only want warnings printed out, add the following to the config file:

config :openmaize,
  log_level: :warn

And if you do not want Openmaize to print out any logs, set the log_level to false.