Openmaize v3.0.1 Openmaize.Password

Check the password is valid, and optionally, check the password is strong enough.

The functions in this module can be called directly, and they are also used by the Openmaize.ResetPassword plug.

To perform the more advanced password strength checks, you need to have NotQwerty123 installed.

Basic checks

The basic check just checks that the password is a string and that it is more than a certain amount of characters long, 8 characters by default.

The following command is an example of how you can call valid_password? checking that the password is at least 12 characters long:

Openmaize.Password.valid_password?(password, 12)

Password strength checks

If you have NotQwerty123 installed, in addition to the minimum length check, the password check will verify that the password is not similar to any word in a customizable common passwords list. See the documentation for NotQwerty123 for more details.



valid_password?(password, min_len \\ 8)