Openmaize v3.0.1 Openmaize.ResetPassword

Confirm a user’s email address and reset the password.


There are four options - in most cases you will not need to change the repo and user_model options:

  • repo - the name of the repo

    • the default is MyApp.Repo - using the name of the project
  • user_model - the name of the user model

    • the default is MyApp.User - using the name of the project
  • key_expires_after - the length, in minutes, that the token is valid for

    • the default is 60 minutes (1 hour)
  • mail_function - the emailing function that you need to define

Email function

Emailing the end user is the developer’s responsibility. If you have generated files with the mix openmaize.phx --confirm command, then you will have a template at lib/your_project_name/mailer.ex. You need to complete this template with the mailing library of your choice.

Examples with Phoenix

Create the following files:

  • controllers/password_reset_controller.ex
  • views/password_reset_view.ex
  • templates/password_reset/new.html.eex
  • templates/password_reset/edit.html.eex

In the edit.html.eex file, make sure that the form uses password_reset to identify the user.

You also need to add the following command to the web/router.ex file:

resources "/password_resets", PasswordResetController, only: [:new, :create, :edit, :update]

Add the following command to the password_reset_controller.ex file:

plug Openmaize.ResetPassword, [mail_function: &Mailer.send_receipt/1] when action in [:reset_password]


