View Source otel_tracer_provider (opentelemetry_api v1.1.1)

This module defines the API for a TracerProvider. A TracerProvider stores Tracer configuration and is how Tracers are accessed. An implementation must be a gen_server that handles the API's calls. The SDK should register a TracerProvider with the name otel_tracer_provider which is used as the default global Provider.

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-spec force_flush() -> ok | {error, term()} | timeout.
-spec force_flush(atom() | pid()) -> ok | {error, term()} | timeout.
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get_tracer(Name, Vsn, SchemaUrl)

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-spec get_tracer(Name, Vsn, SchemaUrl) -> Tracer
                  Name :: atom(),
                  Vsn :: unicode:chardata() | undefined,
                  SchemaUrl :: uri_string:uri_string() | undefined,
                  Tracer :: opentelemetry:tracer().
-spec resource() -> term() | undefined.
-spec resource(atom() | pid()) -> term() | undefined.