Operate v0.1.0-beta.15 Operate.VM.Extension.Crypto View Source

Extends the VM state with common crypto functions.

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Decrypts the given data with the given secret using AES-GCM.

Encrypts the given data with the given secret using AES-GCM.

Signs the given Bitcoin Message with the given ECDSA private key.

Verifies the given signature and Bitcoin Message with the given ECDSA public key.

Signs the given data with the given ECDSA private key.

Verifies the given signature and message with the given ECDSA public key.

Decrypts the given data with the given ECDSA private key using ECIES.

Encrypts the given data with the given ECDSA public key using ECIES.

Callback implementation for Operate.VM.Extension.extend/1.

Hashes the given data using the specified algorithm.

Decrypts the given data with the given RSA public or private key.

Encrypts the given data with the given RSA public or private key.

Signs the given data with the given RSA private key.

Verifies the given signature and message with the given RSA public key.

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aes_decrypt(data, key, opts \\ %{})

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Decrypts the given data with the given secret using AES-GCM.

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aes_encrypt(data, key, opts \\ %{})

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Encrypts the given data with the given secret using AES-GCM.

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bitcoin_message_sign(data, key, opts \\ %{})

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Signs the given Bitcoin Message with the given ECDSA private key.

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bitcoin_message_verify(sig, data, key, opts \\ %{})

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Verifies the given signature and Bitcoin Message with the given ECDSA public key.

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ecdsa_sign(data, key, opts \\ %{})

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Signs the given data with the given ECDSA private key.

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ecdsa_verify(sig, data, key, opts \\ %{})

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Verifies the given signature and message with the given ECDSA public key.

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ecies_decrypt(data, key, opts \\ %{})

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Decrypts the given data with the given ECDSA private key using ECIES.

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ecies_encrypt(data, key, opts \\ %{})

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Encrypts the given data with the given ECDSA public key using ECIES.

Callback implementation for Operate.VM.Extension.extend/1.

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hash(algo, data, opts \\ %{})

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Hashes the given data using the specified algorithm.

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rsa_decrypt(data, key, opts \\ %{})

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Decrypts the given data with the given RSA public or private key.

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rsa_encrypt(data, key, opts \\ %{})

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Encrypts the given data with the given RSA public or private key.

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rsa_sign(data, key, opts \\ %{})

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Signs the given data with the given RSA private key.

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rsa_verify(sig, data, key, opts \\ %{})

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Verifies the given signature and message with the given RSA public key.