Operate v0.1.0-beta.15 Operate.VM View Source

Operate VM module. Responsible for initalizing the VM state and evaluating and executing Lua code in the VM.

Link to this section Summary


Operate return value

Lua table path. Either a dot-delimited string or list of strings or atoms.


Operate VM state


Calls a function within the VM state at the given lua path and returns the result.

As call/3, but returns the result or raises an exception.

Decodes a value returned from the VM state into an Elixir type.

Evaluates the given script within the VM state and returns the result.

As eval/2, but returns the result or raises an exception.

Evaluates the given script within the VM state and returns the modified state.

As exec/2, but returns the modified state or raises an exception.

Executes the given function with the given arguments.

As exec_function/2, but returns the result or raises an exception.

Extends the VM state with the given module or modules.

Returns the value from the specified path on the VM state.

As get/2, but returns the result or raises an exception.

Initliazes a new VM state.

Parses the given map decoded from the VM, and recursively transforms it into a keyword list with atom keys.

Sets the value at the specified path on the given VM state and returns a modified VM state.

As set/4, but returns the VM state or raises an exception.

Sets an Elixir function at the specified path on the given VM state and returns the modified VM state.

As set_function/4, but returns the VM state or raises an exception.

Link to this section Types


lua_output() :: binary() | number() | list() | map()

Operate return value


lua_path() :: atom() | String.t() | list()

Lua table path. Either a dot-delimited string or list of strings or atoms.


t() :: {:luerl, tuple()}

Operate VM state

Link to this section Functions

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call(vm, path, args \\ [])

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call(t(), lua_path(), list()) :: {:ok, lua_output()} | {:error, String.t()}

Calls a function within the VM state at the given lua path and returns the result.


iex> Operate.VM.init
...> |> Operate.VM.exec!("function main() return 'hello world' end")
...> |> Operate.VM.call(:main)
{:ok, "hello world"}

iex> Operate.VM.init
...> |> Operate.VM.exec!("function sum(a, b) return a + b end")
...> |> Operate.VM.call(:sum, [2, 3])
{:ok, 5}
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call!(vm, path, args \\ [])

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call!(t(), lua_path(), list()) :: lua_output()

As call/3, but returns the result or raises an exception.


iex> Operate.VM.init
...> |> Operate.VM.exec!("function main() return 'hello world' end")
...> |> Operate.VM.call!(:main)
"hello world"


decode(binary() | number() | list()) :: lua_output()

Decodes a value returned from the VM state into an Elixir type.

Automatically detects when 64 bit long numbers can be converted to integers, and handles converting Lua tables into either Elixir lists or maps.


iex> Operate.VM.decode(23.23)

iex> Operate.VM.decode(23.0)

iex> Operate.VM.decode([{"foo", 1}, {"bar", 2}])
%{"foo" => 1, "bar" => 2}


eval(t(), String.t()) :: {:ok, lua_output()} | {:error, String.t()}

Evaluates the given script within the VM state and returns the result.


iex> Operate.VM.init
...> |> Operate.VM.eval("return 'hello world'")
{:ok, "hello world"}

iex> Operate.VM.init
...> |> Operate.VM.eval("return 2 / 3")
{:ok, 0.6666666666666666}


eval!(t(), String.t()) :: lua_output()

As eval/2, but returns the result or raises an exception.


iex> Operate.VM.init
...> |> Operate.VM.eval!("return 'hello world'")
"hello world"


exec(t(), String.t()) :: {:ok, t()} | {:error, String.t()}

Evaluates the given script within the VM state and returns the modified state.


exec!(t(), String.t()) :: t()

As exec/2, but returns the modified state or raises an exception.

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exec_function(function, args \\ [])

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exec_function(function(), list()) :: {:ok, lua_output()} | {:error, String.t()}

Executes the given function with the given arguments.


iex> Operate.VM.init
...> |> Operate.VM.eval!("return function(a,b) return a * b end")
...> |> Operate.VM.exec_function([3,4])
{:ok, 12}
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exec_function!(function, args \\ [])

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exec_function!(function(), list()) :: lua_output()

As exec_function/2, but returns the result or raises an exception.


iex> Operate.VM.init
...> |> Operate.VM.eval!("return function(a,b) return a .. ' ' .. b end")
...> |> Operate.VM.exec_function!(["hello", "world"])
"hello world"


extend(t(), list() | module()) :: t()

Extends the VM state with the given module or modules.


Operate.VM.extend(vm, [MyLuaExtension, OtherExtension])


get(t(), lua_path()) :: {:ok, lua_output()} | {:error, String.t()}

Returns the value from the specified path on the VM state.


iex> Operate.VM.init
...> |> Operate.VM.set!("foo.bar", 42, force: true)
...> |> Operate.VM.get("foo")
{:ok, %{"bar" => 42}}

iex> Operate.VM.init
...> |> Operate.VM.set!("foo.bar", 42, force: true)
...> |> Operate.VM.get("foo.bar")
{:ok, 42}


get!(t(), lua_path()) :: lua_output()

As get/2, but returns the result or raises an exception.


iex> Operate.VM.init
...> |> Operate.VM.set!("foo.bar", 42, force: true)
...> |> Operate.VM.get!("foo.bar")


init(keyword()) :: t()

Initliazes a new VM state.


The accepted options are:

  • :extensions - Provide a list of modules with which to extend the VM state.


iex> vm = Operate.VM.init
...> elem(vm, 0) == :luerl


parse_opts(map()) :: keyword()

Parses the given map decoded from the VM, and recursively transforms it into a keyword list with atom keys.


iex> Operate.VM.parse_opts(%{"foo" => 1, "bar" => %{"baz" => 2}})
[bar: [baz: 2], foo: 1]

iex> [{"foo", 1}, {"bar", 2}]
...> |> Operate.VM.decode
...> |> Operate.VM.parse_opts
[bar: 2, foo: 1]
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set(vm, path, value, options \\ [])

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set(t(), lua_path(), any(), keyword()) :: {:ok, t()} | {:error, String.t()}

Sets the value at the specified path on the given VM state and returns a modified VM state.


The accepted options are:

  • :force - Recusively set the value at a deep path that doesn't already exist.


iex> {:ok, vm} = Operate.VM.init
...> |> Operate.VM.set("foo.bar", 42, force: true)
...> elem(vm, 0)
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set!(vm, path, value, options \\ [])

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set!(t(), lua_path(), any(), keyword()) :: t()

As set/4, but returns the VM state or raises an exception.


The accepted options are:

  • :force - Recusively set the value at a deep path that doesn't already exist.


iex> vm = Operate.VM.init
...> |> Operate.VM.set!("foo.bar", 42, force: true)
...> elem(vm, 0)
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set_function(vm, path, callback, options \\ [])

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set_function(t(), lua_path(), function(), keyword()) ::
  {:ok, t()} | {:error, String.t()}

Sets an Elixir function at the specified path on the given VM state and returns the modified VM state.


The accepted options are:

  • :force - Recusively set the value at a deep path that doesn't already exist.
Link to this function

set_function!(vm, path, callback, options \\ [])

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set_function!(t(), lua_path(), function(), keyword()) :: t()

As set_function/4, but returns the VM state or raises an exception.


The accepted options are:

  • :force - Recusively set the value at a deep path that doesn't already exist.