View Source Orb.DSL (Orb v0.1.0)

The main DSL which is imported automatically when you call defw.



Asserts a condition that must be true, otherwise traps with unreachable.

Declare a constant string, which will be extracted to the top of the module, and its address substituted in place.

Run code at compile-time.

Run Elixir for-comprehension at compile-time.

Declare a loop that iterates through an Orb.Iterator or Elixir.Range.

A no-op instruction.

Return from a function. You may wish to push/1 values before returning.

Return from a function if a condition is true.

Return from a function with the provided value only if a condition is true.

Denote a point in code that should not be reachable. Traps.

Used to bring back wasm-mode when inside inline/1.


Asserts a condition that must be true, otherwise traps with unreachable.

Declare a constant string, which will be extracted to the top of the module, and its address substituted in place.

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do_snippet(locals, block_items)

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func(call, list)

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func(call, locals, list)

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func(call, result_type, locals, list)

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funcp(call, list)

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funcp(call, locals, list)

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funcp(call, result_type, locals, list)

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Run code at compile-time.

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inline(arg, list)

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Run Elixir for-comprehension at compile-time.

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loop(arg, list)

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Declare a loop that iterates through an Orb.Iterator or Elixir.Range.

sum = 0
loop i <- 1..10 do
  sum = sum + i
sum = 0
loop _ <- 1..10 do
  sum = sum + 1
sum = 0
loop char <- alphabet do
  sum = sum + 1
sum = 0
loop char <- alphabet do
  sum = sum + char
sum = 0
loop _ <- alphabet do
  sum = sum + 1
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loop(identifier, options \\ [], list)

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Declare a loop.

A no-op instruction.


Return from a function. You may wish to push/1 values before returning.

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Return from a function if a condition is true.

Return from a function with the provided value only if a condition is true.

Denote a point in code that should not be reachable. Traps.

Useful for exhaustive conditionals or code you know will not execute.

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wasm(mode \\ Orb.Numeric, list)

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Used to bring back wasm-mode when inside inline/1.