Module erlang_passage

erlang module wrapper for providing tracing facility.

Copyright © 2017 Takeru Ohta <>


erlang module wrapper for providing tracing facility.

The tracing facility is based on passage.

Data Types


spawn_option() = {span, passage:maybe_span()} | {span_reference_type, passage:ref_type()} | {start_span, passage:operation_name()} | {start_span_options, passage:start_span_options()} | (ErlangSpawnOption::term())


spawn_options() = [spawn_option()]

Options for spawn_opt functions.

Function Index

spawn/1Equivalent to spawn_opt(Fun, []).
spawn/2Equivalent to spawn_opt(Node, Fun, []).
spawn/3Equivalent to spawn_opt(Module, Function, Args, []).
spawn/4Equivalent to spawn_opt(Node, Module, Function, Args, []).
spawn_link/1Equivalent to spawn_opt(Fun, [link]).
spawn_link/2Equivalent to spawn_opt(Node, Fun, [link]).
spawn_link/3Equivalent to spawn_opt(Module, Function, Args, [link]).
spawn_link/4Equivalent to spawn_opt(Node, Module, Function, Args, [link]).
spawn_monitor/1Equivalent to spawn_opt(Fun, [monitor]).
spawn_monitor/3Equivalent to spawn_opt(Module, Function, Args, [monitor]).
spawn_opt/2The same as erlang:spawn_opt/2 except for propagating the current span to the spawned process.
spawn_opt/3The same as erlang:spawn_opt/3 except for propagating the current span to the spawned process.
spawn_opt/4Equivalent to spawn_opt(fun () -> apply(Module, Function, Args) end, Options).
spawn_opt/5Equivalent to spawn_opt(Node, fun () -> apply(Module, Function, Args) end, Options).

Function Details


spawn(Fun::function()) -> pid()

Equivalent to spawn_opt(Fun, []).


spawn(Node::node(), Fun::function()) -> pid()

Equivalent to spawn_opt(Node, Fun, []).


spawn(Module::module(), Function::atom(), Args::[term()]) -> pid()

Equivalent to spawn_opt(Module, Function, Args, []).


spawn(Node::node(), Module::module(), Function::atom(), Args::[term()]) -> pid()

Equivalent to spawn_opt(Node, Module, Function, Args, []).


spawn_link(Fun::function()) -> pid()

Equivalent to spawn_opt(Fun, [link]).


spawn_link(Node::node(), Fun::function()) -> pid()

Equivalent to spawn_opt(Node, Fun, [link]).


spawn_link(Module::module(), Function::atom(), Args::[term()]) -> pid()

Equivalent to spawn_opt(Module, Function, Args, [link]).


spawn_link(Node::node(), Module::module(), Function::atom(), Args::[term()]) -> pid()

Equivalent to spawn_opt(Node, Module, Function, Args, [link]).


spawn_monitor(Fun::function()) -> {pid(), reference()}

Equivalent to spawn_opt(Fun, [monitor]).


spawn_monitor(Module::module(), Function::atom(), Args::[term()]) -> {pid(), reference()}

Equivalent to spawn_opt(Module, Function, Args, [monitor]).


spawn_opt(Fun::function(), Options::spawn_options()) -> pid() | {pid(), reference()}

The same as erlang:spawn_opt/2 except for propagating the current span to the spawned process.

The propagated span is saved in the process dictionary of the spawned process. So the functions of passage_pd module can be used in the process.


spawn_opt(Node::node(), Fun::function(), Options::spawn_options()) -> pid() | {pid(), reference()}

The same as erlang:spawn_opt/3 except for propagating the current span to the spawned process.

The propagated span is saved in the process dictionary of the spawned process. So the functions of passage_pd module can be used in the process.

If Node has no capability to handle tracing, this will switch to the ordinary erlang:spawn_opt/3 function internally.


spawn_opt(Module::module(), Function::atom(), Args::[term()], Options::spawn_options()) -> pid() | {pid(), reference()}

Equivalent to spawn_opt(fun () -> apply(Module, Function, Args) end, Options).


spawn_opt(Node::node(), Module::module(), Function::atom(), Args::[term()], Options::spawn_options()) -> pid() | {pid(), reference()}

Equivalent to spawn_opt(Node, fun () -> apply(Module, Function, Args) end, Options).

Generated by EDoc, Jan 18 2018, 21:42:56.