Module otter

otter API module.


otter API module. Use the API in this module to interact with the otter application.

The module covers 3 APIs. The Span API, Snapshot/Count API and Config API.

Span API

The module exposes the functional span API. These API calls allow you to create and manage spans. These are:
start/1, start/2, start/3
start_with_tags/2, start_with_tags/3, start_with_tags/4
log/2, log/3
tag/3, tag/4

The API supports pre-filtering of spans with the start_with_tags functions. Pre-filtering is invoked when the span is started with initial tags. The result of the pre filter rules can be an inactive span. Inactive spans do not trigger the rules when finishing the span (i.e. always discarded) and consume somewhat less resources (depending on the API) than gathering active spans.

There are additional span APIs developed for specific use cases to simplify instrumentations for different code bases. These are accessible in separate modules. - simple process dictionary API : otter_span_pdict_api
- multi span process dictionary API : otter_span_mpdict_api
- span id/process API : otter_span_id_api
For further information on these APIs, check the documentation of the modules

Snapshot/Count API

When finish/1 is called then the completed span is passed to a configurable filter. The filter can check the Span tags as well as the name and duration of the span and use the information to decide to send the Span to the trace collector (Zipkin supported) and/or increase counters based on values of the tags and store the last Span for the counters. This latter is particularly useful for troubleshooting e.g. error events when increase of the corresponding counter is noticed. These snapshots (referred as Snap) and counters can be retrieved, managed with this API. These are:

Config API

The default implementation uses the application environment to store configuration. There is a simple wrapper module to interface with configuration store (otter_config). To implement other config persistence, the module should be replaced with another one providing the same simple read/write API functions.
WARNING : In the default implementation using the application environment, so the write function is NOT persistent. In case of node restart and/or application reload the configuration will be reset to whatever environment is defined in the release (sys) config or app file. There is an example configuration provided in the` file as a reference. These are:<br/> `config_list/0

Function Index

config_list/0List all defined configuration.
config_read/1Read a configuration value.
config_read/2Read a configuration value with default.
config_write/2Write a configuration value.
counter_delete/1Delete (reset) a counter.
counter_delete_all/0Delete (reset) all counters.
counter_list/0List all the snapshot counters.
counter_snapshot/1Show the last event snapshot of a counter.
finish/1Ends an active span and prepares it for potential delivery to the backend based on filtering rules.
ids/1Returns the trace id and span id for a given span.
log/2Adds a log message to a span.
log/3Adds a log message to a span with the specified service information.
start/1Starts a span with the specified name.
start/2Starts a span with the specified name and parent span or a trace id.
start/3Starts a child span with the specified name, trace id and parent id.
start_with_tags/2Starts a span with the specified name and initial tags.
start_with_tags/3Starts a span with the specified name, initial tags and trace id or a parent span.
start_with_tags/4Starts a child span with the specified name, trace id and parent id.
tag/3Adds a tag to a span.
tag/4Adds a tag to a span with a given service.

Function Details


config_list() -> term()

List all defined configuration


config_read(Key::atom()) -> term()

Read a configuration value


config_read(Key::atom(), Default::term()) -> term()

Read a configuration value with default


config_write(Key::atom(), Value::term()) -> ok

Write a configuration value. Note : With the default config implementation this write is not persistent. Update the application environment/config accordingly to persist.


counter_delete(Key::term()) -> ok

Delete (reset) a counter


counter_delete_all() -> ok

Delete (reset) all counters


counter_list() -> [{term(), integer()}]

List all the snapshot counters


counter_snapshot(Key::term()) -> term()

Show the last event snapshot of a counter


finish(Span::span()) -> ok

Ends an active span and prepares it for potential delivery to the backend based on filtering rules.


ids(Span::span()) -> {trace_id(), span_id()}

Returns the trace id and span id for a given span.


log(Span::span(), Text::info()) -> span()

Adds a log message to a span. If the span is not active, the tag is not added.


log(Span::span(), Text::info(), Service::service()) -> span()

Adds a log message to a span with the specified service information. If the span is not active, the tag is not added.


start(Name::info()) -> span()

Starts a span with the specified name. Automatically generates a trace id.


start(Name::info(), ParentSpan::span()) -> span()

Starts a span with the specified name and parent span or a trace id


start(Name::info(), TraceId::integer(), ParentId::integer()) -> span()

Starts a child span with the specified name, trace id and parent id


start_with_tags(Name, Tags) -> any()

Starts a span with the specified name and initial tags. Automatically generates a trace id and invokes pre filtering.


start_with_tags(Name::info(), Tags::[tag()], Span::span()) -> span()

Starts a span with the specified name, initial tags and trace id or a parent span


start_with_tags(Name::info(), Tags::[tag()], TraceId::trace_id(), ParentId::span_id()) -> span()

Starts a child span with the specified name, trace id and parent id


tag(Span::span(), Key::info(), Value::info()) -> span()

Adds a tag to a span. If the tag already exists, its value will be overwritten.


tag(Span::span(), Key::info(), Value::info(), Service::service()) -> span()

Adds a tag to a span with a given service. If the tag already exists, its value will be overwritten.

Generated by EDoc, May 26 2017, 15:36:09.