Packmatic.Source behaviour (Packmatic v1.2.0) View Source

Defines how data can be acquired in a piecemeal fashion, perhaps by reading only a few pages from the disk at a time or only a few MBs of data from an open socket.

The Source behaviour defines three callbacks that must be implemented by conforming modules:

  1. validate/1, which is called to check the initialisation argument.
  2. init/1, which is called to instantiate the source and return its state.
  3. read/1, which is called to read data from the source, given the state.

Representing Sources

Sources are represented in Manifest Entries as tuples such as {:file, path} or {:url, url}. This form of representation is called a Source Entry.

The Source Entry is a stable locator of the underlying data which has no runtime implications. The Encoder hydrates the Source Entry into whatever the Source module implements internally, when it is time to pull data from that source.

The first element in the tuple is the Source Name, and the second element is called the Initialisation Argument (init_arg).

Source Name

The Source names can be special atoms (short names) or full module names:

  1. :file resolves to Packmatic.Source.File.
  2. :url resolves to Packmatic.Source.URL.
  3. :dynamic resolves to Packmatic.Source.Dynamic.
  4. :random resolves to Packmatic.Source.Random.

When using Custom Sources, the module name can be passed (as an atom) as well.

Initialisation Argument

The Initialisation Argument is usually a basic Elixir type, but in the case of Dynamic Sources, it is a function which resolves to a Source Entry understood by either the File or URL source.


The Source Entry {:file, path} is resolved during encoding:

iex(1)> {:ok, file_path} = Briefly.create()
iex(2)> {:ok, {module, state}} ={:file, file_path})
iex(3)> module
iex(3)> state.__struct__


When implementing a custom Source which uses an external data provider (for example reading from a file), remember to perform any cleanup required within the read/1 callback if the Source is not expected to return any further data, for example if the file has been read completely or if there has been an error.

Link to this section Summary


Represents an internal tuple that can be used to initialise a Source with build/1.

Represents the Initialisation Argument which is a stable locator for the underlying data, that the Source will initialise based upon.

Represents the Name of the Source, which can be a shorthand (atom) or a module.

Represents the internal State for a resolved Source that is being read from.


Initialises the Source with the Initialisation Argument as specified in the Entry. This prepares the Source for acquisition.

Consumes bytes off an initialised Source.

Validates the given Entry.


Converts the Entry to a Source State.

Iterates the Source State.

Validates the given Initialisation Argument.

Link to this section Types


entry() :: {name(), init_arg()}

Represents an internal tuple that can be used to initialise a Source with build/1.

This allows the Entries to be dynamically resolved. Dynamic sources use this to prepare their work lazily, and other Sources may use this mechanism to delay opening of sockets or handles.


init_arg() :: term()

Represents the Initialisation Argument which is a stable locator for the underlying data, that the Source will initialise based upon.


name() :: atom() | module()

Represents the Name of the Source, which can be a shorthand (atom) or a module.


state() :: term()

Represents the internal State for a resolved Source that is being read from.

In case of a File source, the state may be a struct which holds the File Handle; in case of a URL source, it may be the underlying network socket, etc.

Link to this section Functions


build(entry()) :: {:ok, t()} | {:error, term()}

Initialises the Source with the Initialisation Argument as specified in the Entry. This prepares the Source for acquisition.

Called by Packmatic.Encoder.


read(t()) :: iodata() | {iodata(), t()} | :eof | {:error, term()}

Consumes bytes off an initialised Source.

Called by Packmatic.Encoder.


validate(entry()) :: :ok | {:error, term()}

Validates the given Entry.

Called by Packmatic.Manifest.Entry.

Link to this section Callbacks


init(term()) :: {:ok, state()} | {:error, term()}

Converts the Entry to a Source State.


read(state()) :: iodata() | {iodata(), state()} | :eof | {:error, term()}

Iterates the Source State.

Usually this will return an IO List, or {:error, reason}. For stateful Sources, an updated Source State can be returned with the data. Note that Sources that have returned :eof or {:error, reason} will not be touched again.


validate(init_arg()) :: :ok | {:error, term()}

Validates the given Initialisation Argument.