PaperTrail.Version (paper_trail v0.10.12)



Returns the count of all version records in the database

Returns the first version record in the database by :inserted_at

Returns the last version record in the database by :inserted_at


@type t() :: %PaperTrail.Version{
  __meta__: term(),
  event: String.t(),
  id: term(),
  inserted_at: term(),
  item_changes: map(),
  item_id: any(),
  item_type: String.t(),
  meta: map(),
  origin: term(),
  originator_id: any()


Link to this function

changeset(model, params \\ %{})

Link to this function

count(options \\ [])

Returns the count of all version records in the database

Link to this function

first(options \\ [])

Returns the first version record in the database by :inserted_at

Link to this function

last(options \\ [])

Returns the last version record in the database by :inserted_at