Periodic.Test (parent v0.12.0) View Source

Helpers for testing a periodic job.

See the "Testing" section in Periodic documentation for details.

Link to this section Summary


Subscribes to telemetry events of the given scheduler.

Sends a tick signal to the given scheduler and waits for the job to finish.

Sends a tick signal to the given scheduler.

Link to this section Functions

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assert_periodic_event(telemetry_id, event, metadata \\ quote do _ end, measurements \\ quote do _ end)

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Waits for the given telemetry event.


observe(any()) :: :ok

Subscribes to telemetry events of the given scheduler.

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refute_periodic_event(telemetry_id, event, metadata \\ quote do _ end, measurements \\ quote do _ end)

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Asserts that the given telemetry event won't be emitted.

Link to this function

sync_tick(pid_or_name, timeout \\ :timer.seconds(5))

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sync_tick(GenServer.server(), non_neg_integer() | :infinity) ::
  {:ok, job_exit_reason :: any()} | {:error, :job_not_started}

Sends a tick signal to the given scheduler and waits for the job to finish.

The function returns the job exit reason, or error if the job hasn't been started.


tick(GenServer.server()) :: :ok

Sends a tick signal to the given scheduler.

This function returns after the tick signal has been sent, and the job has been started. However, the function doesn't wait for the job to finish. If you want complete synchronism, use sync_tick/2