Paseto.V1 (paseto v1.5.0)
The Version1 implementation of the Paseto protocol.
More information about the implementation can be found here: 1.)
Link to this section Summary
Handles decrypting a token given the correct key
Handles encrypting the payload and returning a valid token
Takes a token and will decrypt/verify the signature and return the token in a more digestable manner
Allows looking at the claims without having verified them.
Handles signing the token for public use.
Handles verifying the signature belongs to the provided key.
Link to this section Functions
decrypt(data, secret_key, footer \\ "")
Handles decrypting a token given the correct key
iex> token = Paseto.V1.encrypt("This is a test message", "Test Key")
iex> token
iex> Paseto.V1.decrypt(token, "Test Key")
"{:ok, "This is a test message"}"
encrypt(data, secret_key, footer \\ "", n \\ nil)
@spec encrypt(String.t(), binary(), String.t(), binary() | nil) :: String.t() | {:error, String.t()}
Handles encrypting the payload and returning a valid token
iex> Paseto.V1.encrypt("This is a test message", "Test Key")
@spec from_token(Paseto.Token.t()) :: %Paseto.V1{ footer: term(), payload: term(), purpose: term(), version: term() }
Takes a token and will decrypt/verify the signature and return the token in a more digestable manner
Allows looking at the claims without having verified them.
sign(data, secret_key, footer \\ "")
Handles signing the token for public use.
iex> {public_key, secret_key} = :crypto.generate_key(:rsa, {2048, 65_537})
iex> Paseto.V1.sign("This is a test message!", secret_key)
verify(signed_message, public_key, footer \\ "")
Handles verifying the signature belongs to the provided key.
iex> {public_key, secret_key} = :crypto.generate_key(:rsa, {2048, 65_537})
iex> token = Paseto.V1.sign("This is a test message!", secret_key)
iex> [version, purpose, payload] = String.split(token, ".")
iex> V1.verify(version <> "." <> purpose <> ".", payload, public_key)
"{:ok, "This is a test message!"}"