Module passage_span_context

Span Context.

Copyright © 2017 Takeru Ohta <>

This module defines the passage_span_context behaviour.
Required callback functions: make_span_context_state/1, inject_span_context/4, extract_span_context/3.


Span Context.

Each SpanContext encapsulates the following state:
The OpenTracing Data Model


This module requires following callbacks:

  %% @doc Creates the state of a span context from the given references.
  -callback make_span_context_state(passage:refs()) ->
  %% @doc Injects the span context into the carrier by the specified format.
  -callback inject_span_context(context(), format(), inject_fun(), carrier()) ->
  %% @doc Extracts a span context from the carrier using the specified format.
  %% If the carrier contains no span context, it will return `error'.
  -callback extract_span_context(format(), iterate_fun(), carrier()) ->
      {ok, context()} | error.

Data Types


carrier() = term()

Carrier for propagating span contexts.


abstract datatype: context()

Span context.


format() = text_map | http_header | binary

The standard injection/extraction format.

Both injection and extraction rely on an extensible format parameter that dictates the type of the associated "carrier" as well as how a SpanContext is encoded in that carrier. All of the following formats must be supported by all Tracer implementations. Note: required formats for injection and extraction (The OpenTracing Semantic Specification)


implementation_module() = module()

Implementation module of this behaviour.


inject_fun() = fun((Key::binary(), Value::binary(), carrier()) -> carrier())

Span context injection function.

If this function is called, the carrier should update own state for injecting Key and Value.


iterate_fun() = fun((carrier()) -> {ok, Key::binary(), Value::binary(), carrier()} | error)

Iterator function.

If the carrier has any remaining elements, it will return an ok tuple that contains a key/value pair and updated state. Otherwise, it will return error.


state() = term()

Implementation-dependent state.

Function Index

get_baggage_items/1Returns the baggage items of Context.
get_state/1Returns the state of Context.
make/2Makes a new span context.

Function Details


get_baggage_items(Context::context()) -> passage:baggage_items()

Returns the baggage items of Context.


get_state(Context::context()) -> state()

Returns the state of Context.


make(State::state(), BaggageItems::passage:baggage_items()) -> context()

Makes a new span context.

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