PassiveSupport.Map (passive_support v0.8.4)

Convenience functions for working with maps.

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Returns map with its keys as atoms, if those atoms already exist.

Returns a new map with key replaced by new_key or the return of fun

Deletes the struct metadata from structs, but leaves ordinary maps unchanged

Returns a map with any string keys that safely coerced to existing atoms

Returns a version of map whose keys have all been converted to strings.

Returns a copy of map containing only keys and raises if any are missing.

Link to this section Types


key() :: any()

Link to this section Functions

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Returns map with its keys as atoms, if those atoms already exist.

Raises ArgumentError otherwise.


iex> [:oh, :yay] # existing keys
iex> atomize_keys!(%{"oh" => "ooh", 'yay' => 'yaaay'})
%{oh: "ooh", yay: 'yaaay'}

iex> atomize_keys!(%{"oh" => "ooh", "noo" => "noooo"})
** (PassiveSupport.NonexistentAtoms) No atoms exist for the values ["noo"]
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change_key(map, key, fun)


change_key(map(), key(), key() | (key() -> key()) | (key(), map() -> key())) ::

Returns a new map with key replaced by new_key or the return of fun

If key is not found within map, returns the map unaltered.

Useful for when you're shuffling values around inside of a map, or, I dunno, going through your music collection and you discover you accidentally attributed an entire Beatles album to the Monkees.

Although how you did that is beyond me. You monster.


iex> change_key(%{dog: "rusty"}, :dog, :cat)
%{cat: "rusty"}

iex> change_key(%{dog: "rusty"}, :dog, &(:"best_#{&1}"))
%{best_dog: "rusty"}

iex> change_key(%{1 => "foo", 2 => "bar", 5 => "idklol"}, 1, fn _key, map -> Enum.max(Map.keys(map)) + 1 end)
%{2 => "bar", 5 => "idklol", 6 => "foo"}

iex> change_key(%{cake_boss: "you blew it"}, :no_key_here, :oops)
%{cake_boss: "you blew it"}


plain(struct() | map()) :: map()

Deletes the struct metadata from structs, but leaves ordinary maps unchanged


PassiveSupport.Map.plain(%{foo: :bar})
# => %{foo: :bar}

defmodule Plane do
  defstruct plains: :great     # ... little plain punning for ya.

# => %{plains: :great}
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Returns a map with any string keys that safely coerced to existing atoms

I'm not giving y'all the ridiculously dangerous footgun of wanton atom space pollution. I'm not some crazy, foot-shooting cowboy, like Jason.


iex> [:oh, :yay] # existing keys
iex> safe_atomize_keys(%{"oh" => "ooh", 'yay' => 'yaaay'})
%{oh: "ooh", yay: 'yaaay'}
iex> safe_atomize_keys(%{"oh" => "ooh", "noo" => "noooo"})
%{oh: "ooh"}
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Returns a version of map whose keys have all been converted to strings.


iex> stringify_keys(%{7 => 8, "hey" => "ha", hi: "ho"})
%{"7" => 8, "hey" => "ha", "hi" => "ho"}
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take!(map, keys \\ [])


take!(map(), list()) :: map()

Returns a copy of map containing only keys and raises if any are missing.

If keys are not provided, returns map unchanged


iex> take!(%{a: "foo", b: 42, c: :ok}, [:b, :c])
%{b: 42, c: :ok}

iex> take!(%{a: "foo", b: 42})
%{a: "foo", b: 42}

iex> take!(%{"a" => "foo", "b" => 42, "c" => :ok}, ["c", "e"])
** (PassiveSupport.KeysNotFound) Expected to find keys ["c", "e"] but only found keys ["c"]