
You're seeing just the function length_split, go back to PassiveSupport.String module for more information.
Link to this function

length_split(string, lengths, opts \\ [first_split: false])


length_split(String.t(), integer() | [integer()], [{:first_split, boolean()}]) ::
  String.t() | [String.t()] | [[String.t()]]

Splits a string by a given length or lengths.

When one length is given, splits the string into a list of substrings of that length.

When a list of lengths is given, returns a list of lists of substrings of the given lengths.

If the string does not fit within the given length(s), the final substring will be the length of the remainder of the string.

To retrieve only the first length or lengths of the string, pass first_split: true. Note that in the case of a single length, this is equivalent to calling String.slice(string, 0..length), or binary_part(string, 0, length). This is useful when, while supplying multiple lengths, only the first lengths of the given string are important to the program, or when the sum of lengths is equal to the length of the original string.


iex> length_split("hello world!", 3)
["hel", "lo ", "wor", "ld!"]

iex> length_split("hello world!", 5)
["hello", " worl", "d!"]

iex> length_split("hello world!", 5, first_split: true)

iex> length_split("Life, the universe, and everything... is pattern-matchable", [10, 9, 7])
  ["Life, the ", "universe,", " and ev"],
  ["erything..", ". is patt", "ern-mat"],

iex> length_split("Life, the universe, and everything... is pattern-matchable", [10, 9, 7], first_split: true)
["Life, the ", "universe,", " and ev"]