View Source Patch.Mock.History (patch v0.14.0)

Link to this section Summary

Link to this section Types

@type argument() :: term()
@type entry() :: {name(), [argument()]}
@type limit() :: non_neg_integer() | :infinity
@type name() :: atom()
@type sorting() :: :asc | :desc
@type t() :: %Patch.Mock.History{
  count: non_neg_integer(),
  entries: [entry()],
  limit: limit()

Link to this section Functions

Link to this function

entries(history, sorting \\ :asc)

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@spec entries(history :: t(), sorting :: sorting()) :: [entry()]
@spec new(limit :: limit()) :: t()
Link to this function

put(history, name, arguments)

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@spec put(history :: t(), name :: name(), arguments :: [argument()]) :: t()