PelemayFp.ParallelBinaryMerger (PelemayFp v0.1.0) View Source

Receives a given consecutive list of tuples of a Range, count and a list, or an exit or dying message from the monitored process and merges it into a result, and send it.

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Receives a given consecutive list of tuples of a Range, count and a list, or an exit or dying message from the monitored process and merges it into a result, and send it.

Receives a given consecutive list of tuples of a Range, count and a list, or an exit or dying message from the monitored process and merges it into a result, and send it.

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receive_insert(pid, list)

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receive_insert(pid(), Range.t() | [integer()] | PelemayFp.ParallelSplitter.t()) ::

Receives a given consecutive list of tuples of a Range, count and a list, or an exit or dying message from the monitored process and merges it into a result, and send it.

Link to this function

receive_insert_fun(pid, list, fallback)

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  (non_neg_integer() -> list())
) :: PelemayFp.Merger.t()

Receives a given consecutive list of tuples of a Range, count and a list, or an exit or dying message from the monitored process and merges it into a result, and send it.

When the monitored process dies abnormally, the fallback function will be invoked.