View Source Permit.Phoenix.Controller behaviour (permit_phoenix v0.2.0)
Injects authorization plug (Permit.Phoenix.Plug), allowing to
provide its options either directly in options of use
, or
as overridable functions.
# my_app_web.ex
def controller do
use Permit.Phoenix.Controller,
authorization_module: MyApp.Authorization,
fallback_path: "/unauthorized"
# your controller module
defmodule MyAppWeb.PageController do
use MyAppWeb, :live_view
@impl true
def resource_module, do: MyApp.Item
# you might or might not want to override something here
@impl true
def fallback_path: "/foo"
Link to this section Summary
Configures the controller with the application's authorization configuration.
Allows opting out of using Permit for given controller actions.
If handle_unauthorized/2
is not defined, sets the fallback path to which the user is redirected on authorization failure.
Retrieves the current user from conn
as the authorization subject. Defaults to conn.assigns[:current_user]
Called when authorization on an action or a loaded record is not granted. Must halt conn
after rendering or redirecting.
Sets the name of the ID param that will be used for preloading a record for authorization.
Sets the name of the field that contains the resource's ID which should be looked for.
If Permit.Ecto
is not used, it allows defining a loader function that loads a record or a list of records, depending on action type (singular or plural).
Declares which actions in the controller are to use Permit's automatic preloading and authorization in addition to defaults: [:show, :edit, :update, :delete, :index]
Declares the controller's resource module. For instance, when Phoenix and Ecto is used, typically for an ArticleController
the resource will be an Article
Ecto schema.
Link to this section Callbacks
@callback authorization_module() :: Permit.Types.authorization_module()
Configures the controller with the application's authorization configuration.
@impl Permit.Phoenix.Controller
def authorization_module, do: MyApp.Authorization
# Requires defining an authorization configuration module
defmodule MyApp.Authorization, do:
use Permit, permissions_module: MyApp.Permissions
@callback except() :: [Permit.Types.action_group()]
Allows opting out of using Permit for given controller actions.
Defaults to []
, thus by default all actions are guarded with Permit.
@callback fallback_path(Permit.Types.action_group(), Permit.Phoenix.Types.conn()) :: binary()
If handle_unauthorized/2
is not defined, sets the fallback path to which the user is redirected on authorization failure.
Defaults to /
@callback fetch_subject(Permit.Phoenix.Types.conn()) :: Permit.Types.subject()
Retrieves the current user from conn
as the authorization subject. Defaults to conn.assigns[:current_user]
@impl true
def fetch_subject(%{assigns: assigns}) do
@callback handle_not_found(Permit.Phoenix.Types.conn()) :: Permit.Phoenix.Types.conn()
@callback handle_unauthorized(Permit.Types.action_group(), Permit.Phoenix.Types.conn()) :: Permit.Phoenix.Types.conn()
Called when authorization on an action or a loaded record is not granted. Must halt conn
after rendering or redirecting.
defmodule MyApp.CommentController do
use Permit.Phoenix.Controller,
authorization_module: MyApp.Authorization
resource_module: MyApp.Blog.Comment
@impl true
def handle_unauthorized(action, conn) do
case get_format(conn) do
"json" ->
# render a 4xx JSON response
"html" ->
# handle HTML response, e.g. redirect
@callback id_param_name(Permit.Types.action_group(), Permit.Phoenix.Types.conn()) :: binary()
Sets the name of the ID param that will be used for preloading a record for authorization.
Defaults to "id"
. If the route contains a different name of the record ID param, it should be changed accordingly.
@callback id_struct_field_name(Permit.Types.action_group(), Permit.Phoenix.Types.conn()) :: atom()
Sets the name of the field that contains the resource's ID which should be looked for.
Defaults to :id
. If the record's ID (usually a primary key) is in a different field, then it should be changed accordingly.
@callback loader(Permit.Types.resolution_context()) :: Permit.Types.object() | nil
If Permit.Ecto
is not used, it allows defining a loader function that loads a record or a list of records, depending on action type (singular or plural).
@impl true
def loader(%{action: :index, params: %{page: page}}),
do: ItemContext.load_all(page: page)
def loader(%{action: :show}, params: %{id: id}),
do: ItemContext.load(id)
@callback preload_actions() :: [Permit.Types.action_group()]
Declares which actions in the controller are to use Permit's automatic preloading and authorization in addition to defaults: [:show, :edit, :update, :delete, :index]
Defaults to []
, which means that [:show, :edit, :update, :delete, :index]
and no other actions will use preloading.
@callback resource_module() :: Permit.Types.resource_module()
Declares the controller's resource module. For instance, when Phoenix and Ecto is used, typically for an ArticleController
the resource will be an Article
Ecto schema.
This resource module, along with the controller action name, will be used for authorization checks before each action.
If Permit.Ecto
is used, this setting selects the Ecto schema which will be used for automatic preloading a record for authorization.
defmodule MyApp.ArticleController do
use Permit.Phoenix.Controller
def authorization_module, do: MyApp.Authorization
def resource_module, do: MyApp.Article
# Alternatively, you can do the following:
use Permit.Phoenix.Controller,
authorization_module: MyApp.Authorization,
resource_module: MyApp.Blog.Article
@callback unauthorized_message(Permit.Types.action_group(), Permit.Phoenix.Types.conn()) :: binary()