
You're seeing just the function bxor, go back to Pfx module for more information.


bxor(prefix(), prefix()) :: prefix()

Returns a bitwise XOR of pfx1 and pfx2.

Both prefixes must have the same maxlen. The result has the same number of bits as the first argument.


iex> bxor("", "")

iex> bxor({10, 11, 12, 13}, {255, 255, 0, 0})
{245, 244, 12, 13}

# mix 'n match
iex> bxor({{10, 11, 12, 13}, 32}, "")
{{245, 244, 12, 13}, 32}

iex> x = new(<<10, 11, 12, 13>>, 32)
iex> y = new(<<255, 255>>, 32)
iex> bxor(x, y)
%Pfx{bits: <<245, 244, 12, 13>>, maxlen: 32}

iex> bxor("", "")