
You're seeing just the function contrast, go back to Pfx module for more information.


contrast(prefix(), prefix()) ::
  | :more
  | :less
  | :left
  | :right
  | :disjoint
  | :left_nc
  | :right_nc
  | :incompatible
  | :einvalid

Contrasts pfx1 to pfx2.

Contrasting two prefixes yields one of:

  • :equal pfx1 is equal to pfx2
  • :more pfx1 is more specific and contained in pfx2
  • :less pfx1 is less specific and contains pfx2
  • :left pfx1 is left-adjacent to pfx2 such that it can be combined with pfx2
  • :left_nc pfx1 is left-adjacent to pfx2, but cannot be combined
  • :right pfx1 is right-adjacent to pfx2 such that is can be combined with pfx2
  • :right_nc pfx1 is right-adjacent to pfx2, but cannot be combined
  • :disjoint pfx1 has no match with pfx2
  • :einvalid either pfx1 or pfx2 was invalid
  • :incompatible pfx1 and pfx2 donot have the same maxlen


iex> contrast("", "")

iex> contrast("", "")

iex> contrast("", "")

# can be combined as
iex> contrast("", "")

# can be combined as
iex> contrast("", "")

# adjacent, but cannot be combined
iex> contrast("", "")

# adjacent, but cannot be combined
iex> contrast("", "")

# adjacent again, but cannot be combined
iex> contrast("", "")

# adjacent again, but cannot be combined
iex> contrast("", "")

iex> contrast("", "")

iex> contrast("", %Pfx{bits: <<10,12>>, maxlen: 32})

iex> contrast("", {1, 2, 3, 4})

iex> contrast("", "acdc:1976::1")

iex> contrast("", "")