
You're seeing just the function dns_ptr, go back to Pfx module for more information.


dns_ptr(prefix()) :: String.t()

Returns a reverse DNS name (pointer) for given pfx.

The prefix will be padded right with 0-bits to a multiple of 8 for IPv4 prefixes and to a multiple of 4 for IPv6 prefixes. Note that this might give unexpected results. So dns_ptr/1 works best if the prefix given is actually a multiple of 4 or 8.


iex> dns_ptr("")

# "" actually encodes as %Pfx{bits: <<1, 2, 1::size(7)>>, maxlen: 32}
# and padding right with 0-bits to a /24 yields the ...
iex> dns_ptr("")

iex> dns_ptr("acdc:1976::/32")

iex> dns_ptr("acdc:1975::b1ba:2021")