
You're seeing just the function fields, go back to Pfx module for more information.


Returns a list of {number, width}-fields for given pfx.

If bit_size(pfx.bits) is not a multiple of width, the last {number, width}-tuple, will have a smaller width.


iex> fields("", 8)
[{10, 8}, {11, 8}, {12, 8}, {13, 8}]

iex> fields({10, 11, 12, 13}, 8)
[{10, 8}, {11, 8}, {12, 8}, {13, 8}]

iex> fields({{10, 11, 12, 0}, 24}, 8)
[{10, 8}, {11, 8}, {12, 8}]

iex> fields(%Pfx{bits: <<10, 11, 12, 13>>, maxlen: 32}, 8)
[{10, 8}, {11, 8}, {12, 8}, {13, 8}]

# pfx.bits is not a multiple of 8, hence the {0, 1} at the end
iex> fields("", 8)
[{10, 8}, {11, 8}, {12, 8}, {0, 1}]

iex> new(<<0xacdc::16>>, 128) |> fields(4)
[{10, 4}, {12, 4}, {13, 4}, {12, 4}]

# only 1 field with less bits than given width of 64
iex> new(<<255, 255>>, 32) |> fields(64)
[{65535, 16}]