
You're seeing just the function format, go back to Pfx module for more information.


format(prefix(), Keyword.t()) :: String.t()

Formats pfx as a string, using several options:

  • :width, field width (default 8)
  • :base, howto turn a field into a string (default 10, use 16 for hex numbers)
  • :unit, how many fields go into 1 section (default 1)
  • :ssep, howto join the sections together (default ".")
  • :lsep, howto join a mask if required (default "/")
  • :mask, whether to add a mask (default false)
  • :reverse, whether to reverse fields before grouping/joining (default false)
  • :padding, whether to pad out the pfx.bits (default true)

The defaults are geared towards IPv4 prefixes, but the options should be able to accomodate other domains as well.


  • the prefix.bits-length is omitted if equal to the prefix.bits-size
  • domain specific submodules probably implement their own formatter.


iex> format(%Pfx{bits: <<10, 11, 12>>, maxlen: 32})

iex> format({{10, 11, 12, 0}, 24})

iex> format({10, 11, 12, 0})

# non-sensical, but there you go
iex> format("")

# bitstring, note that mask is applied when new creates the `pfx`
iex> format("", width: 1, base: 2, unit: 8, mask: false)

# mask not appended as its redundant for a full-sized prefix
iex> format(%Pfx{bits: <<10, 11, 12, 13>>, maxlen: 32})

iex> pfx = new(<<0xacdc::16, 0x1976::16>>, 128)
iex> format(pfx, width: 16, base: 16, ssep: ":")
# similar, but grouping 4 fields, each 4 bits wide, into a single section
iex> format(pfx, width: 4, base: 16, unit: 4, ssep: ":")
# this time, omit the acutal pfx length
iex> format(pfx, width: 16, base: 16, ssep: ":", mask: false)
# ptr for IPv6 using the nibble format:
# - dot-separated reversal of all hex digits in the expanded address
iex> pfx
...> |> format(width: 4, base: 16, mask: false, reverse: true)
...> |> String.downcase()
...> |> (fn x -> "#{x}" end).()

# turn off padding to get reverse zone dns ptr record
iex> new(<<10, 11, 12>>, 32)
...> |> format(padding: false, reverse: true, mask: false)
...> |> (&"#{&1}").()