
You're seeing just the function insert, go back to Pfx module for more information.
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insert(pfx, bits, position)

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insert(prefix(), bitstring(), integer()) :: prefix()

Inserts bits into pfx-s bitstring, starting at position.

The resulting bitstring is silently clipped to the pfx.maxlen.

Valid bit positions are bits_size(pfx.bits) .. min(pfx.maxlen-1, bit_size(pfx.bits)). A position of 0 will prepend the bits, while a position of bit_size(pfx.bits) will append the bits as long as the prefix is not a full length prefix already.

A negative position is taken relative to the end. Note that this cannot be used for appending bits, since -1 refers to the last actual bit and there is no such thing as -0 ..


# prepend bits
iex> insert("", <<255>>, 0)

# append bits
iex> insert("", <<255>>, 16)

# cannot append to a full prefix, positions go from 0..31
iex> insert("", <<255>>, 32)
** (ArgumentError) invalid bit position, got 32

# but inserting inside the bitstring, is ok
iex> insert("", <<255>>, 16)

# turn EUI48 into a modified EUI64
iex> new("0088.8888.8888")
...> |> new(64)
...> |> flip(6)
...> |> insert(<<0xFF, 0xFE>>, 24)
%Pfx{bits: <<0x02, 0x88, 0x88, 0xFF, 0xFE, 0x88, 0x88, 0x88>>, maxlen: 64}

# sliently clips to pfx's maxlen
iex> insert("", <<255, 255, 255, 255>>, 0)

iex> insert("", <<255, 255, 255, 255>>, 24)