
You're seeing just the function marshall, go back to Pfx module for more information.


marshall(t(), prefix()) :: prefix()

Returns a representation of pfx (a Pfx.t/0-struct) in the form of original.

The exact original is not required, the pfx is transformed by the shape of the original argument: string vs two-element tuple vs tuple. If none of the three shapes match, the pfx is returned unchanged.

This is used to allow results to be the same shape as their (first) argument that needed to turn into a Pfx.t/0 for some calculation.

Note that when turning a prefix into a address-tuple, an address-tuple comes out which is the first full length prefix in the set represented by pfx.


# original is a string
iex> marshall(%Pfx{bits: <<1, 1, 1>>, maxlen: 32}, "any string really")

# original is any two-element tuple
iex> marshall(%Pfx{bits: <<1, 1, 1>>, maxlen: 32}, {0,0})
{{1, 1, 1, 0}, 24}

# original is any other tuple, actually turns prefix into this-network address
iex> marshall(%Pfx{bits: <<1, 1, 1>>, maxlen: 32}, {})
{1, 1, 1, 0}

# original is a Pfx struct
iex> marshall(%Pfx{bits: <<1, 1, 1>>, maxlen: 32}, %Pfx{bits: <<>>, maxlen: 0})
%Pfx{bits: <<1, 1, 1>>, maxlen: 32}

iex> marshall(new(""), {})
{1, 1, 1, 1}