You're seeing just the function network, go back to Pfx module for more information.


network(prefix()) :: prefix()

Returns the this-network prefix (full address) for given pfx.

Yields the same result as Pfx.first/1, included for nostalgia.


iex> network("")

iex> network("acdc:1976::/32")

# a full address is its own this-network
iex> network({10, 10, 10, 1})
{10, 10, 10, 1}

iex> network({{10, 10, 10, 1}, 24})
{{10, 10, 10, 0}, 32}

iex> network(%Pfx{bits: <<10, 10, 10>>, maxlen: 32})
%Pfx{bits: <<10, 10, 10, 0>>, maxlen: 32}

iex> network(%Pfx{bits: <<0xacdc::16, 0x1976::16>>, maxlen: 128})
%Pfx{bits: <<0xACDC::16, 0x1976::16, 0::96>>, maxlen: 128}