Phauxth.Authenticate (Phauxth v2.5.1) View Source

Authenticates the current user using sessions.

This module checks the current Plug session for a phauxth_session_id, checks to see if the session id is valid and then sets the current_user value accordingly.

For information about customizing this Plug, see the documentation for Phauxth.Authenticate.Base.

Configuration / setup

Add the user_context module (the module you are using to handle user data) to the config:

config :phauxth, user_context: MyApp.Accounts

The user_context module (in this case, MyApp.Accounts) needs to have a get_by(%{"session_id" => session_id}) function, which returns either a user struct or nil.

In the example below, the Sessions.get_session/1 function retrieves the data and checks if the session is still valid (has not expired, etc.).

def get_by(%{"session_id" => session_id}) do
  with %Session{user_id: user_id} <- Sessions.get_session(session_id),
  do: get_user(user_id)


There are two options:

  • :user_context - the user_context module
    • this can also be set in the config
  • :log_meta - additional custom metadata for Phauxth.Log
    • this should be a keyword list


Add the following line to the pipeline you want to authenticate in the web/router.ex file:

plug Phauxth.Authenticate

Link to this section Summary

Link to this section Functions

Link to this function

get_user(arg, user_context)

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