Testing Channels
Requirement: This guide expects that you have gone through the introductory guides and got a Phoenix application up and running.
Requirement: This guide expects that you have gone through the Introduction to Testing guide.
Requirement: This guide expects that you have gone through the Channels guide.
In the Channels guide, we saw that a "Channel" is a layered system with different components. Given this, there would be cases when writing unit tests for our Channel functions may not be enough. We may want to verify that its different moving parts are working together as we expect. This integration testing would assure us that we correctly defined our channel route, the channel module, and its callbacks; and that the lower-level layers such as the PubSub and Transport are configured correctly and are working as intended.
Generating channels
As we progress through this guide, it would help to have a concrete example we could work off of. Phoenix comes with a Mix task for generating a basic channel and tests. These generated files serve as a good reference for writing channels and their corresponding tests. Let's go ahead and generate our Channel:
$ mix phx.gen.channel Room
* creating lib/hello_web/channels/room_channel.ex
* creating test/hello_web/channels/room_channel_test.exs
Add the channel to your `lib/hello_web/channels/user_socket.ex` handler, for example:
channel "room:lobby", HelloWeb.RoomChannel
This creates a channel, its test and instructs us to add a channel route in lib/hello_web/channels/user_socket.ex
. It is important to add the channel route or our channel won't function at all!
The ChannelCase
Open up test/hello_web/channels/room_channel_test.exs
and you will find this:
defmodule HelloWeb.RoomChannelTest do
use HelloWeb.ChannelCase
Similar to ConnCase
and DataCase
, we now have a ChannelCase
. All three of them have been generated for us when we started our Phoenix application. Let's take a look at it. Open up test/support/channel_case.ex
defmodule HelloWeb.ChannelCase do
use ExUnit.CaseTemplate
using do
quote do
# Import conveniences for testing with channels
import Phoenix.ChannelTest
# The default endpoint for testing
@endpoint HelloWeb.Endpoint
setup tags do
:ok = Ecto.Adapters.SQL.Sandbox.checkout(Demo.Repo)
unless tags[:async] do
Ecto.Adapters.SQL.Sandbox.mode(Demo.Repo, {:shared, self()})
It is very straight-forward. It sets up a case template that imports all of Phoenix.ChannelTest
on use. In the setup
block, it starts the SQL Sandbox, which we discussed in the Testing Contexts guide.
Subscribe and joining
Now that we know that Phoenix provides with a custom Test Case just for channels and what it
provides, we can move on to understanding the rest of test/hello_web/channels/room_channel_test.exs
First off, is the setup block:
setup do
{:ok, _, socket} =
|> socket("user_id", %{some: :assign})
|> subscribe_and_join(RoomChannel, "room:lobby")
%{socket: socket}
The setup
block sets up a Phoenix.Socket
based on the UserSocket
module, which you can find at "lib/hello_web/channels/user_socket.ex". Then it says we want to subscribe and join the RoomChannel
, accessible as "room:lobby" in the UserSocket
. At the end of the test, we return the %{socket: socket}
as metadata, so we can re-use it on every test.
In a nutshell, subscribe_and_join/3
emulates the client joining a channel and subscribes the test process to the given topic. This is a necessary step since clients need to join a channel before they can send and receive events on that channel.
Testing a synchronous reply
The first test block in our generated channel test looks like:
test "ping replies with status ok", %{socket: socket} do
ref = push(socket, "ping", %{"hello" => "there"})
assert_reply ref, :ok, %{"hello" => "there"}
This tests the following code in our MyAppWeb.RoomChannel
# Channels can be used in a request/response fashion
# by sending replies to requests from the client
def handle_in("ping", payload, socket) do
{:reply, {:ok, payload}, socket}
As is stated in the comment above, we see that a reply
is synchronous since it mimics the request/response pattern we are familiar with in HTTP. This synchronous reply is best used when we only want to send an event back to the client when we are done processing the message on the server. For example, when we save something to the database and then send a message to the client only once that's done.
In the test "ping replies with status ok", %{socket: socket} do
line, we see that we have the map %{socket: socket}
. This gives us access to the socket
in the setup block.
We emulate the client pushing a message to the channel with push/3
. In the line ref = push(socket, "ping", %{"hello" => "there"})
, we push the event "ping"
with the payload %{"hello" => "there"}
to the channel. This triggers the handle_in/3
callback we have for the "ping"
event in our channel. Note that we store the ref
since we need that on the next line for asserting the reply. With assert_reply ref, :ok, %{"hello" => "there"}
, we assert that the server sends a synchronous reply :ok, %{"hello" => "there"}
. This is how we check that the handle_in/3
callback for the "ping"
was triggered.
Testing a Broadcast
It is common to receive messages from the client and broadcast to everyone subscribed to a current topic. This common pattern is simple to express in Phoenix and is one of the generated handle_in/3
callbacks in our MyAppWeb.RoomChannel
def handle_in("shout", payload, socket) do
broadcast(socket, "shout", payload)
{:noreply, socket}
Its corresponding test looks like:
test "shout broadcasts to room:lobby", %{socket: socket} do
push(socket, "shout", %{"hello" => "all"})
assert_broadcast "shout", %{"hello" => "all"}
We notice that we access the same socket
that is from the setup block. How handy! We also do the same push/3
as we did in the synchronous reply test. So we push
the "shout"
event with the payload %{"hello" => "all"}
Since the handle_in/3
callback for the "shout"
event just broadcasts the same event and payload, all subscribers in the "room:lobby"
should receive the message. To check that, we do assert_broadcast "shout", %{"hello" => "all"}
NOTE: assert_broadcast/3
tests that the message was broadcast in the PubSub system. For testing if a client receives a message, use assert_push/3
Testing an asynchronous push from the server
The last test in our MyAppWeb.RoomChannelTest
verifies that broadcasts from the server are pushed to the client. Unlike the previous tests discussed, we are indirectly testing that our channel's handle_out/3
callback is triggered. This handle_out/3
is defined in our MyApp.RoomChannel
def handle_out(event, payload, socket) do
push(socket, event, payload)
{:noreply, socket}
Since the handle_out/3
event is only triggered when we call broadcast/3
from our channel, we will need to emulate that in our test. We do that by calling broadcast_from
or broadcast_from!
. Both serve the same purpose with the only difference of broadcast_from!
raising an error when broadcast fails.
The line broadcast_from!(socket, "broadcast", %{"some" => "data"})
will trigger our handle_out/3
callback above which pushes the same event and payload back to the client. To test this, we do assert_push "broadcast", %{"some" => "data"}
That's it. Now you are ready to develop and fully test realtime applications. To learn more about other functionality provided when testing channels, check out the documentation for Phoenix.ChannelTest