Phoenix.CodeReloader (Phoenix v1.6.0) View Source

A plug and module to handle automatic code reloading.

To avoid race conditions, all code reloads are funneled through a sequential call operation.

Link to this section Summary


API used by Plug to invoke the code reloader on every request.

API used by Plug to start the code reloader.

Reloads code for the current Mix project by invoking the :reloadable_compilers on the list of :reloadable_apps.

Synchronizes with the code server if it is alive.

Link to this section Functions

API used by Plug to invoke the code reloader on every request.

API used by Plug to start the code reloader.


reload!(module()) :: :ok | {:error, binary()}

Reloads code for the current Mix project by invoking the :reloadable_compilers on the list of :reloadable_apps.

This is configured in your application environment like:

config :your_app, YourAppWeb.Endpoint,
  reloadable_compilers: [:gettext, :elixir],
  reloadable_apps: [:ui, :backend]

Keep in mind :reloadable_compilers must be a subset of the :compilers specified in project/0 in your mix.exs.

The :reloadable_apps defaults to nil. In such case default behaviour is to reload current project if it consists of single app, or all applications within umbrella project. You can set :reloadable_apps to subset of default applications to reload only some of them, empty list - to effectively disable code reloader, or include external applications from library dependencies.


sync() :: :ok

Synchronizes with the code server if it is alive.

It returns :ok. If it is not running, it also returns :ok.