phoenix_gen_socket_client v4.0.0 Phoenix.Channels.GenSocketClient.Transport.WebSocketClient View Source

Websocket transport powered by the websocket_client library.

Supported transport options:

  • keepalive - Interval in which a ping message is sent to the server to keep the connection alive. By default, Phoenix server will timeout after 60 seconds of inactivity. By providing a keepalive value which is less than the server timeout, you can ensure that the connection remains open, even if no messages are being passed between the client and the server. If you don't want to disable this mechanism, you can pass nil. If this option is not provided, the default value of 30 seconds is used.
  • extra_headers - List of headers to send in the handshake. It will be forwarded as is to the underlying library.
  • ssl_verify - It will be forwarded as is to the underlying library.