Phoenix.HTML v2.7.0 Phoenix.HTML.Format

Helpers related to formatting text.



Returns text transformed into HTML using simple formatting rules


text_to_html(string, opts \\ [])

Returns text transformed into HTML using simple formatting rules.

Two or more consecutive newlines \n\n are considered as a paragraph and text between them is wrapped in <p> tags. One newline \n is considered as a linebreak and a <br> tag is inserted.


iex> text_to_html("Hello\n\nWorld") |> safe_to_string

iex> text_to_html("Hello\nWorld") |> safe_to_string

iex> opts = [wrapper_tag: :div, attributes: [class: "p"]]
...> text_to_html("Hello\n\nWorld", opts) |> safe_to_string
"<div class=\"p\">Hello</div>\n<div class=\"p\">World</div>\n"


  • :escape - if false does not html escape input (default: true)
  • :wrapper_tag - tag to wrap each parapgraph (default: :p)
  • :attributes - html attributes of the wrapper tag (default: [])
  • :insert_brs - if true insert <br> for single line breaks (default: true)