phoenix_inline_svg v1.4.0 PhoenixInlineSvg.Helpers
This module adds view helpers for rendering SVG files into safe HTML.
To add the helpers, add the following to the quoted view
in your my_app_web.ex
def view do
quote do
use PhoenixInlineSvg.Helpers
This will generate functions for each of your images, effectively caching them at compile time.
You can call these functions like so
# Get an image with the default collection
# Get an image and insert HTML attributes to svg tag
svg_image("image_name", class: "elixir-is-awesome", id: "inline-svg")
# Get an image from a different collection
svg_image("image_name", "collection_name")
# Get an image from a different collection and insert HTML attributes to the svg tag
svg_image("image_name", "collection_name", class: "elixir-is-awesome", id: "inline-svg")
Old Way
As an alternative this module can be imported in the quoted view
def of the my_app_web.ex
which will always pull the SVG files from the disk (unless you are using a caching module).
def view do
quote do
import PhoenixInlineSvg.Helpers
Note: If you are setting a custom directory for the SVG files and are using Exrm or Distillery, you will need to ensure that the directory you set is in the outputted lib
directory of your application.
By default SVG files are loaded from: assets/static/svg/
The directory where SVG files are loaded from can be configured by setting the configuration variable:
config :phoenix_inline_svg, dir: "some/other/dir"
Where some/other/dir
is a directory located in the Phoenix application directory.
Link to this section Summary
The using macro precompiles the SVG images into functions.
Returns a safe HTML string with the contents of the SVG file using the default_collection
Returns a safe HTML string with the contents of the SVG file after inserting the given HTML attributes.
Returns a safe HTML string with the contents of the SVG file for the given collection after inserting the given HTML attributes.
Link to this section Functions
__using__(_) (macro)
The using macro precompiles the SVG images into functions.
# Default collection
svg_image("image_name", attrs)
# Named collection
svg_image("image_name", "collection_name")
svg_image("image_name", "collection_name", attrs)
svg_image(conn_or_endpoint, name)
Returns a safe HTML string with the contents of the SVG file using the default_collection
<%= svg_image(@conn, "home") %>
<%= svg_image(YourAppWeb.Endpoint, "home") %>
Will result in the output:
The main function is svg_image/4
svg_image(conn_or_endpoint, name, attrs)
Returns a safe HTML string with the contents of the SVG file after inserting the given HTML attributes.
<%= svg_image(@conn, "home", class: "logo", id: "bounce-animation") %>
<%= svg_image(YourAppWeb.Endpoint, "home", class: "logo", id: "bounce-animation") %>
Will result in the output:
<svg class="logo" id="bounce-animation">...</svg>
The main function is svg_image/4
svg_image(conn_or_endpoint, name, collection, attrs \\ [])
Returns a safe HTML string with the contents of the SVG file for the given collection after inserting the given HTML attributes.
<%= svg_image(@conn, "user", "fontawesome") %>
<%= svg_image(YourAppWeb.Endpoint, "user", "fontawesome") %>
Will result in the output:
Find SVG file inside of "icons" folder and add class "fa fa-share" and id "bounce-animation"
<%= svg_image(@conn, "user", "icons", class: "fa fa-share", id: "bounce-animation") %>
<%= svg_image(YourAppWeb.Endpoint, "user", "icons", class: "fa fa-share", id: "bounce-animation") %>
Will result in the output:
<svg class="fa fa-share" id="bounce-animation">...</svg>