LiveView supports interactive file uploads with progress for both direct to server uploads as well as external direct-to-cloud uploads on the client.
Uploads are enabled by using Phoenix.LiveView.allow_upload/3
and specifying the constraints, such as accepted file types,
max file size, number of maximum selected entries, etc.
When the client selects file(s), the file metadata is
automatically validated against the allow_upload
specification. Uploads are populated in an @uploads
in the socket, granting reactive based templates that
automatically update with progress, error information, etc.
The complete upload flow is as follows:
Allow uploads
You enable an upload, typically on mount, via
@impl Phoenix.LiveView
def mount(_params, _session, socket) do
|> assign(:uploaded_files, [])
|> allow_upload(:avatar, accept: ~w(.jpg .jpeg), max_entries: 2)}
Render reactive elements
Use the Phoenix.LiveView.Helpers.live_file_input/2
input generator to render a file input for the upload.
The generator has full support for multiple=true
, and the
attribute will automatically be set if :max_entries
greater than 1 in the allow_upload/3
Within the template, you render each upload entry. The entry struct contains all the information about the upload, including progress, name, errors, etc.
For example:
<%= for entry <- @uploads.avatar.entries do %>
<%= entry.client_name %> - <%= entry.progress %>%
<% end %>
<form phx-submit="save" phx-change="validate">
<%= live_file_input @uploads.avatar %>
<button type="submit">Upload</button>
You must bind phx-submit
and phx-change
on the form.
Reactive updates to the template will occur as the end-user
interacts with the file input. Validation will occur based on
any conditions you have specified in
but you
must implement at least a minimal callback:
def handle_event("validate", _params, socket) do
{:noreply, socket}
Consume uploaded entries
When the end-user submits a form containing a
the JavaScript client first uploads the file(s) before
invoking the callback for the form's phx-submit
Within the callback for the phx-submit
event, you invoke
the Phoenix.LiveView.consume_uploaded_entries/3
to process the completed uploads, persisting the relevant
upload data alongside the form data:
def handle_event("save", _params, socket) do
uploaded_files =
consume_uploaded_entries(socket, :avatar, fn %{path: path}, _entry ->
dest = Path.join("priv/static/uploads", Path.basename(path))
File.cp!(path, dest)
Routes.static_path(socket, "/uploads/#{Path.basename(dest)}")
{:noreply, update(socket, :uploaded_files, &(&1 ++ uploaded_files))}
Note: While client metadata cannot be trusted, max file size validations are enforced as each chunk is received when performing direct to server uploads.
For more information on implementing client-side, direct-to-cloud uploads, see the External Uploads guide.