Phoenix.Component (Phoenix LiveView v0.16.0) View Source

API for function components.

A function component is any function that receives an assigns map as argument and returns a rendered struct built with the ~H sigil.

Here is an example:

defmodule MyComponent do
  use Phoenix.Component

  # Optionally also bring the HTML helpers
  # use Phoenix.HTML

  def greet(assigns) do
    <p>Hello, <%= %></p>

The component can be invoked as a regular function:

MyComponent.greet(%{name: "Jane"})

But it is typically invoked using the function component syntax from the ~H sigil:

<MyComponent.greet name="Jane" />

If the MyComponent module is imported or if the function is defined locally, you can skip the module name:

<.greet name="Jane" />

Learn more about the ~H sigil in its documentation.

use Phoenix.Component

Modules that have to define function components should call use Phoenix.Component at the top. Doing so will import the functions from both Phoenix.LiveView and Phoenix.LiveView.Helpers modules.

Note it is not necessary to use Phoenix.Component inside Phoenix.LiveView and Phoenix.LiveComponent.


While inside a function component, it is recommended to use the functions in Phoenix.LiveView to manipulate assigns. For example, let's imagine a component that receives the first name and last name and must compute the name assign. One option would be:

def show_name(assigns) do
  assigns = assign(assigns, :name, assigns.first_name <> assigns.last_name)

  <p>Your name is: <%= @name %></p>

However, when possible, it may be cleaner to break the logic over function calls instead of precomputed assigns:

def show_name(assigns) do
  <p>Your name is: <%= full_name(@first_name, @last_name) %></p>

defp full_name(first_name, last_name), do: first_name <> last_name


It is also possible to HTML blocks to function components, as to regular HTML tags. For example, you could create a button component that is invoked like this:

  This does <strong>inside</strong> the button!

Where the function component would be defined as:

def button(assigns) do
  <button class="btn">
    <%= render_block(@inner_block) %>

Where render_block is defined at Phoenix.LiveView.Helpers.render_block/2.