Phoenix.LiveView.Controller (Phoenix LiveView v0.17.4) View Source

Helpers for rendering LiveViews from a controller.

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Renders a live view from a Plug request and sends an HTML response.

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live_render(conn, view, opts \\ [])

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Renders a live view from a Plug request and sends an HTML response.

Before rendering, the @live_module assign will be added to the connection assigns for reference.


See Phoenix.LiveView.Helpers.live_render/3 for all supported options.


defmodule ThermostatController do
  use MyAppWeb, :controller

  # "use MyAppWeb, :controller" should import Phoenix.LiveView.Controller.
  # If it does not, you can either import it there or uncomment the line below:
  # import Phoenix.LiveView.Controller

  def show(conn, %{"id" => thermostat_id}) do
    live_render(conn, ThermostatLive, session: %{
      "thermostat_id" => id,
      "current_user_id" => get_session(conn, :user_id)