View Source DOM patching & temporary assigns

A container can be marked with phx-update, allowing the DOM patch operations to avoid updating or removing portions of the LiveView, or to append or prepend the updates rather than replacing the existing contents. This is useful for client-side interop with existing libraries that do their own DOM operations. The following phx-update values are supported:

  • replace - the default operation. Replaces the element with the contents
  • stream - supports stream operations. Streams are used to manage large collections in the UI without having to store the collection on the server
  • ignore - ignores updates to the DOM regardless of new content changes

When using phx-update, a unique DOM ID must always be set in the container. If using "stream", a DOM ID must also be set for each child. When inserting stream elements containing an ID already present in the container, LiveView will replace the existing element with the new content. See for more information.

The "ignore" behaviour is frequently used when you need to integrate with another JS library. Note only the element contents are ignored, its attributes can still be updated.

To react to elements being mounted to the DOM, the phx-mounted binding can be used. For example, to animate an element on mount:

<div phx-mounted={JS.transition("animate-ping", time: 500)}>

If phx-mounted is used on the initial page render, it will be invoked only after the initial WebSocket connection is established.

To react to elements being removed from the DOM, the phx-remove binding may be specified, which can contain a Phoenix.LiveView.JS command to execute.

Note: The phx-remove command is only executed for the removed parent element. It does not cascade to children.

Temporary assigns

By default, all LiveView assigns are stateful, which enables change tracking and stateful interactions. In some cases, it's useful to mark assigns as temporary, meaning they will be reset to a default value after each update. This allows otherwise large but infrequently updated values to be discarded after the client has been patched.

Imagine you want to implement a chat application with LiveView. You could render each message like this:

<%= for message <- @messages do %>
  <p><span><%= message.username %>:</span> <%= message.text %></p>
<% end %>

Every time there is a new message, you would append it to the @messages assign and re-render all messages.

As you may suspect, keeping the whole chat conversation in memory and resending it on every update would be too expensive, even with LiveView smart change tracking. By using temporary assigns and phx-update, we don't need to keep any messages in memory, and send messages to be appended to the UI only when there are new ones.

To do so, the first step is to mark which assigns are temporary and what values they should be reset to on mount:

def mount(_params, _session, socket) do
  socket = assign(socket, :messages, load_last_20_messages())
  {:ok, socket, temporary_assigns: [messages: []]}

On mount we also load the initial number of messages we want to send. After the initial render, the initial batch of messages will be reset back to an empty list.

Now, whenever there are one or more new messages, we will assign only the new messages to @messages:

socket = assign(socket, :messages, new_messages)

In the template, we want to wrap all of the messages in a container and tag this content with phx-update. Remember, we must add an ID to the container as well as to each child:

<div id="chat-messages" phx-update="append">
  <%= for message <- @messages do %>
    <p id={}>
      <span><%= message.username %>:</span> <%= message.text %>
  <% end %>

When the client receives new messages, it now knows to append to the old content rather than replace it.

You can also update the direction of messages. Suppose there is an edit to a message that is being sent to your LiveView like this:

def handle_info({:update_message, message}, socket) do
  {:noreply, update(socket, :messages, fn messages -> [message | messages] end)}

You can add it to the list like you do with new messages. LiveView is aware that this message was rendered on the client, even though the message itself is discarded on the server after it is rendered.

LiveView uses DOM ids to check if a message is rendered before or not. If an id is rendered before, the DOM element is updated rather than appending or prepending a new node. Also, the order of elements is not changed. You can use it to show edited messages, show likes, or anything that would require an update to a rendered message.