View Source PhxLocalizedRoutes.Router (Phoenix Localized Routes v0.1.2)

Provides macro localize to generate localized and multilingual Phoenix routes with configurable assigns which can be used in Controllers and (Live)Views.



Instructions how to use this module can be found in the Usage Guide.

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Macro which creates an alternative Router Helpers module named [MyApp].Router.Helpers.Localized based on the original helper module generated by Phoenix ([MyApp].Router.Helpers).

Generate localized routes and route helper modules.

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Macro which creates an alternative Router Helpers module named [MyApp].Router.Helpers.Localized based on the original helper module generated by Phoenix ([MyApp].Router.Helpers).

  • the new helper module is aliased as Routes; making it a drop-in replacement.
  • the original Router Helper module is aliased as OriginalRoutes.
  • localised path and URL helpers are generated to support generating localised path and URLs. The localized helpers wrap the standard Phoenix helpers.

Pseudo code

  def product_index_path(arg1, arg2) do
    PhxLocalizedRoutes.Helper.loc_route(OriginalRoutes.product_index_path(arg1, arg2), loc_opts)

  def product_index_path(arg1, arg2, arg3) do
    PhxLocalizedRoutes.Helper.loc_route(OriginalRoutes.product_index_path(arg1, arg2, arg3), loc_opts)

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localize(conf, opts \\ [], list)

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@spec localize(module(), opts :: list(), [{:do, Macro.t()}]) :: Macro.output()

Generate localized routes and route helper modules.

This module when used , provides a localize/1 macro that is designed to wrap the standard Phoenix route macros such as get/3, put/3 and live/3 in alternate scopes as defined in the config module.

When a Gettext module is defined in the configuration, it is used to make route (URL) parts translatable / multilingual.

Translations for the parts of a given route path are translated at compile-time which are then combined into a localised route that is added to the standard Phoenix routing framework.

As a result, users can enter URLs using localised terms which can enhance user engagement and content relevance.

                    =>  pl: produkty  |   edytować
/products/:id/edit  =>  nl: producten |   bewerken
                    =>  es: producto  |   editar

Similarly, localised path and URL helpers are generated that wrap the standard Phoenix helpers to supporting generating localised path and URLs.