phoenix_rest v0.7.0 PhoenixRest.Resource

Define callbacks and REST semantics for a Resource behaviour

Based on Cowboy's cowboy_rest module. It operates on a Plug connection and a handler module which implements one or more of the optional callbacks.

For example, the route:

resource "/users/:username", MyApp.UserResource

will invoke the init/2 function of MyApp.UserResource if it exists and then continue executing to determine the state of the resource. By default the resource must implement a to_html content handler which returns a "text/html" representation of the resource.

defmodule MyApp.UserResource do
  use PhoenixRest.Resource

  def init(conn, state) do
    {:ok, conn, state}

  def allowed_methods(conn, state) do
    {["GET"], conn, state}

  def resource_exists(%{params: params} = conn, _state)
    username = params["username"]
    # Look up user
    state = %{name: "John Doe", username: username}
    {true, conn, state}

  def content_types_provided(conn, state) do
    {[{"text/html", :to_html}], conn, state}

  def to_html(conn, %{name: name} = state) do
    {"<p>Hello, #{name}</p>", conn, state}

Each callback accepts a %Plug.Conn{} struct and the current state of the resource, and returns a three-element tuple of the form {value, conn, state}.

The resource callbacks are named below, along with their default values. Some functions are skipped if they are undefined. Others have no default value.

allowed_methods        : ["GET", "HEAD", "OPTIONS"]
allow_missing_post     : true
charsets_provided      : skip
content_types_accepted : none
content_types_provided : [{{"text", "html", %{}}, :to_html}]
delete_completed       : true
delete_resource        : false
expires                : nil
forbidden              : false
generate_etag          : nil
is_authorized          : true
is_conflict            : false
known_methods          : ["GET", "HEAD", "POST", "PUT", "PATCH", "DELETE", "OPTIONS"]
languages_provided     : skip
last_modified          : nil
malformed_request      : false
moved_permanently      : false
moved_temporarily      : false
multiple_choices       : false
options                : :ok
previously_existed     : false
resource_exists        : true
service_available      : true
uri_too_long           : false
valid_content_headers  : true
valid_entity_length    : true
variances              : []

You must also define the content handler callbacks that are specified through content_types_accepted/2 and content_types_provided/2. It is conventional to name the functions after the content types that they handle, such as from_html and to_html.

The handler function which provides a representation of the resource must return a three element tuple of the form {body, conn, state}, where body is one of:

  • binary(), which will be sent with send_resp/3
  • {:chunked, Enum.t}, which will use send_chunked/2
  • {:file, binary()}, which will use send_file/3

You can halt the resource handling from any callback and return a manual response like so:

response = send_resp(conn, status_code, resp_body)
{:stop, response, state}

The content accepted handlers defined in content_types_accepted will be called for POST, PUT, and PATCH requests. By default, the response body will be empty. If desired, you can set the response body like so:

conn2 = put_rest_body(conn, "#{conn.method} was successful")
{true, conn2, state}

More Information

The documentation for PlugRest.Resource has more details.