View Source PhoenixStorybook.Index (phoenix_storybook v0.7.2)
An index is an optional file you can create in every folder of your storybook content tree to improve rendering of the storybook sidebar.
The index files can be used:
- to customize the folder itself: name, icon and opening status.
- to customize folder direct children (only stories): name and icon.
Indexes must be created as index.exs
Read the icons guide for more information on custom icon usage.
# storybook/_components.index.exs
defmodule MyAppWeb.Storybook.Components do
use PhoenixStorybook.Index
def folder_name, do: "My Components"
def folder_icon, do: {:fa, "icon"}
def folder_open?, do: true
def entry("a_component"), do: [name: "My Component"]
def entry("other_component"), do: [name: "Another Component", icon: {:fa, "icon", :thin}]
Convenience helper for using the functions above.